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Directions To The Brown Jug Guest House
Drive through Hermanus until you reach the 2nd traffic circle at the Marine Hotel. Take the first exit at the traffic circle into Lord Roberts Street. Pass the Woolworths and Checkers centres. Approximately 400m up at the next traffic circle take the second. About 20m up, turn to the right into Musson Street. Brown Jug is located at No. 18 Musson Street.
From Cape Town
Follow the N2 over Sir Lowry’s Pass, past Elgin Apple orchards and Peregrine and Houwhoek Farm Stalls, over dual-carriage Houwhoek Pass at the bottom of which you take the left turnoff from the N2 to HERMANUS on the R43.
Alternatively from Cape Town:
Turnoff the N2 to Strand and meander along this beautiful stretch of Whale coastline on the R44 passing through Gordon’s Bay, Rooiels, Pringle Bay Betty’s Bay and Kleinmond until you reach the T-junction where you turn right to Hermanus on the R43.

From The Garden Route
Drive on the N2 heading towards Cape Town, pass through RIVIERSONDEREND (river without end) and +-8kms further you get a turn off left to RIETPOEL / STANFORD / HERMANUS on the R326. Drive through wheatfields and sheep farms, get to a T-junction at Stanford and turn right to HERMANUS for 20kms.
To The Brown Jug Guest House:
Drive through Hermanus until you reach the 2nd traffic circle at the Marine Hotel. Take the first exit at the traffic circle into Lord Roberts Street. Pass the Checkers centre and approximately 400m up at the next tariff circle take the second exit and approximately 50m up the turn to the right will be Musson Street. Brown Jug is located at No. 18 Musson Street.